Fora acusado por Joe Biden de «não querer ouvir». Há uns tempos, o presidente norte-americano afirmara publicamente que Zelensky sabia da invasão russa porque tinha sido avisado mas fizera ouvidos de mercador.
Agora é a vez do presidente ucraniano vir confirmar que sim, sabia, mas que não informou os seus compatriotas porque isso teria criado o pânico e o caos e levado a um êxodo em massa.
«Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday explained why his government didn’t openly warn the Ukrainians to know about the Russian invasion just days before he was alerted with intelligence on the looming Russian invasion. In his interview with the Washington Post on Tuesday, Ukraine's President Zelenskyy clarified that if he had hurled cautions at the Ukrainian citizens about the invasion in advance, Russia would have captured Ukraine in a matter of three days.
According to Zelenskyy, chaos and panic would have ensued had the Ukrainians known about the conflict, and without martial law imposed just days after Russians launched the offensive on Ukraine, it would have led to a significant weakening of the economy. Publicly admitting to the looming Russian assault on Ukrainian soil, would have led to a mass exodus, as per Zelenskyy, and that would have made the invasion much easier.»
Tentem perceber porque eu desisto! E se pelo caminho encontrarem algum adulto recrutem-no!
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