

Já me tinha ocorrido o que viria a acontecer a tanto armamento distribuído em pleno caos da guerra, com o exemplo recente do Afeganistão a não deixar prever nada de bom. O secretário-geral da Interpol, Jürgen Stock, que perceberá mais do assunto do que eu, veio alertar para o futuro.
«Weapons sent to Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in February will end up in the global hidden economy and in the hands of criminals, the head of Interpol has said.
Jürgen Stock says once the conflict ends, a wave of guns and heavy arms will flood the international market and he urged Interpol’s member states, especially those supplying weapons, to cooperate on arms tracing.
“Once the guns fall silent [in Ukraine], the illegal weapons will come. We know this from many other theatres of conflict. The criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them,” Stock said.
“Criminal groups try to exploit these chaotic situations and the availability of weapons, even those used by the military and including heavy weapons. These will be available on the criminal market and will create a challenge. No country or region can deal with it in isolation because these groups operate at a global level.”(...)»

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Fuel believed to be partially made from Russian crude reached US shores despite a ban on all imports of Russian oil, gas and energy, according to reports

Não me parece que baste chamar adultos à sala...

Anónimo disse...

O acima falhou na id.

<(") Ash

Ana Cristina Leonardo disse...

Eu, a si, desculpo tudo :))

Anónimo disse...

Aproveito então para perguntar: Para quando a próxima obra? ;)

<(") Ash

Ana Cristina Leonardo disse...

Ando armada em Penélope. Tenho feito uns tapetes redondos fantásticos :)))

Anónimo disse...

Hmm se o Ulisses denorar tanto como da última vez, estou tramado :)

<(") Ash