

Os suíços negaram à Alemanha o direito de enviar para a Ucrânia material de guerra vendido pelo seu país aos germânicos. A recusa tem por base legislação que prevê que qualquer revenda a terceiros de armamento adquirido à Suíça está sujeita a aprovação prévia. 

«Switzerland on Tuesday opposed Germany's request to re-export Swiss-made anti-aircraft tank ammunition to Ukraine. According to a report by SRF broadcaster, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) vetoed Germany's decision to send ammunitions for the Gepard tank to Ukraine. The reports confirmed that Switzerland had received two calls from Berlin seeking authorisation to transfer munitions for the anti-aircraft tank. However, both requests were responded to negatively.

SECO explained that the transfer of the specific ammunitions is not in line with the Swiss "neutrality." The response was a "mandatory rejection" to uphold Swiss war material legislation," the statement added, according to SRF broadcaster. Notably, the requirement to seek permission for re-export comes as countries purchasing weapons from Switzerland need to make a pre-declaration that they will not re-export war consignments without approval.

Despite having accepted European Union's sanctions against Russia, Switzerland last month also rejected Poland's request for arms to help Ukraine. (...)»

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