Segundo informou o presidente Joe Biden, «os militares não acham que seja uma boa ideia» [a visita de Pelosi em Agosto a Taiwan a que os chineses já disseram opôr-se veementemente].
Já Nancy foi mais comedida: «"You never even hear me say if I’m going to London, because it is a security issue," she told reporters. Earlier this week, her office said it would neither confirm nor deny international travel "in advance due to long-standing security protocols."»
E quando confrontada pelos jornalistas com as palavras do presidente, respondeu: «I think what the president was saying is that maybe the military was afraid our plane would get shot down or something like that by the Chinese. I don’t know exactly. I didn’t see it. I didn’t hear it. You’re telling me, and I’ve heard it anecdotally».
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