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    Eisenstein Rediscovered: Soviet Cinema of the '20s and '30s

    Ian Christie, "Eisenstein Rediscovered: Soviet Cinema of the '20s and '30s (Soviet Cinema)"
    Publisher: Routledge | 1993 | ISBN 0415049504 | 279 pages |

    Eisenstein's reputation has long been secure as creator of the Soviet cinema's earliest and most enduring classics, and as a pioneer theorist and teacher.
    Yet the English-speaking world has not kept pace with a rising tide of Eisenstein scholarship further enriched by new publications emerging from the former Soviet Union.

    Eisenstein Rediscovered presents the first true East-West symposium on Eisenstein with an unparalleled diversity of views and methodologies.
    Scholars from ten countries examine the vast legacy he bequeathed, and offer important new perspectives for reinterpreting Russian culture of the Soviet period.
    They explore how much Eisenstein owed to the Symbolist culture of his youth; how his involvement in theatre has been undervalued; what role he played in both the artistic and philosophical avant-gardes of the '20s; and how both Pushkin and the English Elizabethans shaped his later concept of tragedy.

    Including two newly discovered texts by Eisenstein which are translated for the first time, this collection makes extensive use of material only recently available.
    The `new' Eisenstein that emerges is a far more eclectic and engaging figure than is traditionally perceived.



    Iria apostar que o conseguem descobrir se acaso estiverem interessados...


  4. Ah, ia-me esquecendo, aposto que se o quiserem encontram este também:

    Dziga Vertov - Man with camera aka Chelovek s kino-apparatom (1929)

    Dziga Vertov, 1929,(Cinematic Orchestra)
    Genre: documentarty


    Not merely a cinematic portrait of a day in the life of a city, cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA is an experimental manifesto of vision.
    Controversial when it was created in 1929, the film still pulses with the unruly energy and innovation of Vertov's genius.
    Subverting and criticizing the conventions of capitalist fiction filmmaking that he so despised, Vertov and his revolutionary Kino-Eye crew (including his wife as editor and his brother as cameraman--both of whom appear in the film) created a plethora of filmic devices in order to comment on vision, life, Marxism, and modernity.
    Differing film speeds, superimposition, evocative and manipulative editing, and rhythmic graphic composition all blend seamlessly in a magic show of life above and below the city. Shooting shops, traffic, children, coal miners, workers, human bodies, and nature, Vertov creates visual rhymes and graphic portraits of the structure of life and the explosion of perception.
    MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA took part in the city symphony genre that was popular at the time (BERLIN: SYMPHONIE OF A GREAT CITY is another example) but transcended it in its critical distance, sheer innovation, and sublimely fluid vision of man, machine, and society.



    Couple of screenshots:





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