

A decisão da Lituânia, membro da NATO, de não deixar passar mercadorias por via férrea para o enclave russo de Kaliningrado e a consequente ameaça de retaliação por parte da Rússia estão a deixar o pessoal que manda nisto tudo muito nervoso. 

Esperemos que tomem todos Xanax antes de darem o próximo passo. 

E claro que há também a considerar o facto de a realidade ter o hábito de nos pregar valentes sustos nas esquinas mais improváveis...  

«Russia's attempts to threaten Lithuania as it banned the transit of goods to the Kaliningrad region "pose a challenge for the European Union and NATO," Ukraine's president Office's head Andriy Yermak said on Telegram. Russia has provoked concern in Brussels as it warned of a retaliatory move over Lithuania’s recent ban. The latter banned the transportation of coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology, that constitutes around 50% of all goods exported by Russia. 

Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned the Lithuanian Charge d'Affaires, Virginia Umbrasene. Moscow's officials "strongly protested" Lithuania's move of banning transit of its exports, and demanded that such an ection must immediately be reversed. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis had earlier cautioned that NATO and the European Union cannot underestimate the danger posed by Russia. And that the bloc "must be fully prepared" of consequences of challenging Moscow's authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin as whole of EU teeters on the brink of "huge political change."  

Vilnius' recent measure was labelled as “unprecedented” in Moscow, triggering widespread anger. EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, meanwhile said in a statement issued later that Lithuania was simply enforcing the bloc’s sanctions directed in response to Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine. “I am always worried about Russian retaliation,” said Borrell. “There is no blockade. The land transit between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia has not been banned. Second, transit of people and goods that are not sanctioned continues. Third, Lithuania has not taken any unilateral national restrictions."

Moscow, although asserted that  it "reserves the right to act to protect its national interests."»

1 comentário:

  1. A decisão da Lituânia

    O mais grave é que a decisão não é da Lituânia. A Lituânia está somente a pôr em prática uma decisão da Comissão Europeia. Ou seja, não é um pequeno país meio irreponsável que está a tomar uma decisão parva; é mesmo a cúpula da União Europeia que é responsável por essa decisão parva.


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