

«Chinese President Xi Jinping talked to Putin and indicated that China and Russia will continue to support each other on matters of sovereignty and security.

Chinese President Xi Jinping held a telephonic conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday. Following the conversation, Jinping indicated that China and Russia will continue to support each other on matters of sovereignty and security. He further stated that collaboration between the two countries will continue in other areas as well despite present global instabilities. The Chinese leader specifically mentioned the bolstering of Russia-China strategic cooperation. According to him, Sino-Russian ties have maintained a positive development trajectory since the beginning of this year, despite global shifts and uncertainty. 

"The Chinese side is ready to cooperate with the Russian side to ensure the stable and long-term development of bilateral business cooperation," Jinping remarked, Sputnik reported. He also voiced willingness to enhance China-Russia collaboration within international and regional organisations such as the United Nations, the BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). President Jinping also praised the "strong expansion" of economic and trade ties between the two countries. (...)»

4 comentários:

  1. Em vez de fazer dois posts com a mesma notícia em francês e em inglês, talvez mais valesse fazer somente um com a notícia em português...

  2. Luís Lavoura, obrigada pela sugestão, mas um é para os clientes franceses e outro para os ingleses. Os portugueses sabem usar os tradutores de texto online.

  3. Parece-me que as duas notícias não são idênticas embora foquem o mesmo tema.


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