

Ou seja, os representantes de três países (China, Rússia e Índia) cujas populações somam apenas um bocadinho menos da metade do mundo. 

«Chinese President Xi Jinping bashed the Western-imposed sanctions that have been imposed on Moscow in the backdrop of its "special military operations". He called the sanctions "a double-edged sword" that can bring disasters to people around the world. Notably, his statement came during an opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday. According to the news agency Xinhua, the Chinese President has termed the sanctions a "politicised" step and added the actions were taken with an aim to weaponise the global economy.

Without naming the Biden administration, Jinping said that the sanctions were not imposed with an intention to penalise Moscow but to prove its dominance in international financial and monetary systems. According to China's head, the actions will eventually harm others and themselves and bring disasters to people around the world. Meanwhile, later, Xi Jinping called for joint efforts to seek and safeguard peace. "The Ukraine crisis has again sounded the alarm for humanity: Countries will surely end up in security hardships if they place blind faith in their positions of strength, expand military alliances, and seek their own safety at the expense of others," said Xi. (...)»

3 comentários:

  1. Infelizmente, Xi Jinping tem toda a razão.
    Infelizmente, Portugal está a colaborar na borrada.
    Infelizmente, ninguém a não ser o PCP diz que é borrada. Ninguém se demite. Ninguém tem a coragem de dizer "não".
    O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros italiano demitiu-se. Em Portugal, ninguém se demite.

  2. O Cabrita demitiu-se por excesso de velocidade ;P

    <(") Ash


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