
Acordar para a Realidade - Progresso IV

I Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In), cenas de The Big Lebowski, Irmãos Cohen, 1998. Mais sobre Dropped In aqui

2 comentários:

  1. Na década de 60 fugiam da tropa mas os tempos mudaram:

    The State Department says it will require some diplomats to serve in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers willing to work at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

    Beginning Monday, 200 to 300 diplomats will be notified they have been identified as prime candidates to fill 40 to 50 vacancies that will open next year at the embassy, said Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service.

    Those notified they have been selected for a one-year posting will have 10 days to respond. Only those with compelling reasons, such as a medical condition, will be excused from duty, Thomas said Friday.

    He said those being sent to Iraq will receive extra pay and vacation time. About 50 diplomats will be needed in Iraq by January, in addition to the current level of 200.

    However, those refusing Iraq duty may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for failing to uphold their oath to serve the United States and the Constitution, Thomas said.

  2. Naturalmente. Os sintomas da realidade e progresso socráticos não conhecem fronteiras.


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