
Fim de Festa

Dean Martin - One For My Baby


2 comentários:

  1. One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
    Hey mister bartender come here
    I want another drink and I want it now

    My baby she gone, she been gone two night
    I ain't seen my baby since night before last
    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

    And then I sit there, gettin' high, mellow
    Knocked out, feeling good and by the time
    I looked on the wall at the old clock on the wall
    By that time, it was ten thirty daddy

    I looked down the bar, at the bartender
    He said, "Now what do you want Johnny?"

    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

    Well my baby she gone, she been gone two night
    I ain't seen my baby since night before last
    I wanna get drunk till I'm off of my mind
    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

    And I sat there, gettin' high, stoned
    Knocked out, and by the time
    I looked on the wall, at the old clock again
    And by that time, it was a quarter to two

    Last call for alcohol, I said,
    Hey mister bartender, what do you want?"

    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
    One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

  2. «I'm not going to drink», the Consul said, halting, suddenly.
    «Or am I? Not mescal anyway.»
    «Of course not, the bottle's just there, behind that bush. Pick it up.»
    «I can't», he objected - «That's right, just take one drink, just the necessary, the therepeutic drink: perhaps two drinks.»
    «God», the Consul said. «Ah! Good. God. Christ.»
    «Then you can say it doesn't count.»
    «It doesn't. It isn't mescal.»
    «Of course not, it's tequila. You might have another.»
    «Thanks, I will.»
    The Consul palsiedly readjusted the bottle to his lips.
    «Bliss. Jesus. Sanctuary. Horror», he added.


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